Sunday, December 6, 2015

How does a horror movie set look like? Castle Hohenzollern – Germany

Since Nadja started working the only way to travel are weekend trips. After moving from Austria to Germany we have a totally new surrounding and exciting new places to discover. On our list for sunday were two castles and a bit of hiking in south-western germany, close to Stuttgart, called Swabian Alps. The hills (well they call it mountains, but after all we saw in Austria we consider everything under 1.000m height as a hill), were beautiful and covered by fir trees giving them an intense dark green colour. The nature in this part of germany is very familiar to us and it felt a bit like home.


We went by car to Zellersteighof Berghotel, a hotel and restaurant which is one of the starting points for hiking tours, mountain biking or just a nice sunday walk in the nature. Our destination was Zellerhorn which is part of a 16km hiking tour and as we had our lazy sunday, we decided to go by car as close as possible, so from the parking lot to Zellerhorn it’s just two kilometers. 2travel4life travel blog hohenzollern germany Not a romantic. This husky gave a pushy kiss. Halfway there we met two women who went for a walk with their three dogs. One of them, a very active husky, jumped Nadja into her face to give her a kiss. She loves dogs anyway, so I believe it was rather a pleasant, than a scary experience. We had a nice little chat about dogs and later went on to the top. 2travel4life travel blog hohenzollern germany Stunning far distance view from Zellerhorn! Bright green meadows and rich forests surround the castle on the top of the hill. I think I found one of my new favourite places. It’s one of those places which costs you nothing and still are more than amazing. You can stand there for hours and hours and just stare in the distance and on the castle Hohenzollern. One of my favourite places in my home region is exactly like that. It invites you to go up that hill, stay there with you best friends or people you really like and just enjoy the moment. Read more...


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