Monday, October 26, 2015

Spain Pictures | Beautiful Photos

Spain Pictures Selection of Spain pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional travel photographer Rolf Hicker. Our pictures of Spain were photographed on several trips to almost all part of Spain. Flamenco dancing, lavish and colourful festivals, tapas bars, and bull fighting are just some of the familiar images of Spain. The climate and landscape is as diverse as its culture and languages, from snow capped peaks in the Pyrenees to the sun drenched orange groves of Valencia.


The main language of Spain is Castellano which is spoken by almost everyone. There's also three regional languages namely: Euskera, Catalan, Gallego. A variation to the Catalan dialect is spoken in the Valencia region. Spain is the country of siestas, and many shops and services close around 2pm and reopen again at 5pm. It is the hottest time of the day and traditionally when the main meal of the day is had. Here is our collection of pictures and photos from various regions of Spain including: Andalusia ...More information below photos... Standing solid on its narrow plateau fortified on every side, La Alhambra is a monumental complex overlooking the... At the City of Arts and Science in Valencia, Spain in Europe there are two tourist attractions known as the L'Hemisferic and the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia. Reflections in the surrounding pools from the night lights of these attractions make these buildings seem even more fascinating and intriguing. The L'Hemisferic is a very special cinema and planetarium which is considered to be the largest in Europe. The galaxy of stars and lights that are seen in the L'Hemisferic in Valencia, Spain makes any tourist feel like space is not that far out of reach. The Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia is the other tourist attraction where you can seem famous operas performed by some of the best. This building was designed by Santiago Calatrava who has many honors and awards presented to him for his amazing architectural skills. Seeing both of these tourist attractions at the City of Arts and Science in Valencia, Spain in Europe is a must and shouldn't be bypassed while visiting Valencia. L'Hemisferic, and Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia at La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciencies Complex, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, The City of the Arts and Science, in the City of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Europe. This picture is part of the photo album "Valencia City Pictures" - there are more beautiful images waiting for you. Read more...


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