Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wolong or Wolong Natural

Wolong is not only the ideal place to relax in natural beauty but also for giant pandas to live. As one of important tourist attractions in Chengdu, Wolong Natural Area shelters various types of rare and endangered plants and flora and fauna. Wolong Natural Reserve Area in the southwest of Wenchuan county of Sichuan Province lies in the valley of the east Qionglai


Mountain. The highest peak is Mt Siguliang with elevation of 6,250 meters and 101 peaks around it rise over 5,000 meters above the sea level. The topography is slanted downward in the southwest direction. The highest temperature is 8.9 degree and the lowest is minus 8.5 degree. Located in the transitional region from Sichuan Basin to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, many kinds of species ranged from subtropical to frigid species can be found in Wolong Natural Reserve Area. In 1983, Wolong NaturalReserve Area was added in Man and Biosphere Program with aim to protect rare animals, endangered species and forest eco-system of Wolong area. The Wolong Giant Panda Reserve Centre was one of the earliest research bases established in the early 1980s by the People of Republic of China through cooperation with World Wild Fund. - See more at:


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