Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Global Family Travels

Global Family Travels is pleased to announce Transformative Travel Plus (TTP), a unique year-long program for Seattle-area youth and their families. The program is intended for participants who want to learn about international development challenges and expand their horizons through meaningful family travel, community service and sustained virtual connections with Nicaraguan youth.


Starting in January of 2016, TTP includes six monthly pre-travel workshops, a 10-day immersive trip to Nicaragua (in June/July) and post-travel learning and continued impact with Nicaraguan youth. The workshops and travel include learning about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in conjunction with community development challenges and potential solutions in Nicaragua, and the use of visual storytelling exchanges about these important issues. Students will partner with a group of Nicaraguan youth throughout the year, sharing ideas, photos and videos online and getting to know their future hosts. Nicaraguan students on computers Participants of TTP will stay with Nicaraguan youth and their families for 3 nights, building powerful bonds through shared experiences including work on a community service project in Nicaragua. They will also enjoy outdoor adventures exploring Nicaragua’s volcanoes, beaches and lagoons, and visits to handicraft workshops and other cultural and historical sites! Download Nicaragua trip itinerary for more details. 30_Nicaragua Post-travel, students will reflect upon their Nicaraguan experiences and create transformative storytelling projects in three additional workshops. These projects will be shared locally and with Nicaraguan partners, and may evolve into advocacy and fundraising to support future community development in.


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