Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Iran Tirazis Tours

National Parks are natural vast areas with special characteristics which are nationally significant from geological, ecological, and bio geographical perspectives. There are 26 national parks in Iran. These parks are aimed at paving the way for revival and improvement of existing habitats and endangered species, making these regions as proper areas for repopulation and preservation of unique wildlife. Therefore, national parks are suitable for education, research, and tourist programs in nature. In order to


protect the biodiversity, genetic resources, and ecological integration of national parks fundamentally, intense restrictions have been applied to industrial and constructional operations in these regions. That is why national parks have stricter regulations in comparison to other protected areas. National Natural Monuments are small zones of land, air, or water which have been intended for protection as a result of their natural, historical, physical, scientific, or artificial values. The preserving steps taken for these phenomena must guarantee the sustainability of their non-consumptive operations over time. At present Iran has 35 national natural monuments. Wildlife Refuges are typical natural habitats of wild animals which are chosen to help support the population of animal species and ameliorate their environment. The minimum extent of these refuges must fulfill the necessary needs of the wild animals and their continuous bilateral communication. These refuges can be used for educational and research programs, especially those which are closely connected to wild animals. Sustainable consumptive operations and controlled tourist activities are allowed in these Wildlife Refuges. Right now 42 wildlife refuges exist in Iran.


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