Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Serbia - Travel guide

Serbia is a common historic and naturally beautiful country, It is situated in the southern region of the European continent ad it is a member of the Balkan community. Serbia is a modernized state with its busy capital being the Belgrade City. Serbia promises many amazing, historic and natural attractions to its tourists. It has plenty of accommodation facilities for its tourists that are of high quality wit dining centers that provide interesting Serbian cuisines.

There are three means of entertaining the state of Serbia. Serbia’s international airport called Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is some kilometers from Belgrade City center. Some of the airlines, Jat Airways, which is the national airline for Serbia, serves flights between Serbia and other European countries, North African states and the Middle East. From the airport, tourists can board a bus, taxi or minibus to reach Belgrade City. Tourists in Austria, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania can use trains operating international train trips to be able to stop at Serbia’s train station in Belgrade. Buses can be boarded in Vienna’s international bus terminal to arrive at the southern part of the Belgrade City, as well as from Hungary. Accommodation facilities in Serbia range from middle class hotels, high c;ass hotels, apartments, guesthouses and fine motels. Tourists can get the direct real appearance and descriptions of the facilities in the Serbia-Hotel Organization website to be able to select carefully the facility that meets their preference of the best place to spend their nights while touring Serbia. Read more...www.themisanthropesjournal.blogspot.com


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